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✅ Completed
Congratulations! You now understand how to use the metaverse as a marketing pillar better than 60% of your peers.
"We generated 7 figures in pipeline"
Created a standout buying experience
Built closer relationships with prospects, customers, and partners
Turbo-charged his career and received internal recognition for being innovative.
➡️ Have questions or curious about learning more?
How it worked for Automation Anywhere
Vasilieos Kospanos
Senior Field Marketing Manager
Trusted by world leaders
Hopefully, you have found this helpful!
Sam Hall
CEO at Mixed Reality Rooms
Final thoughts:
"Incremental improvements to your current marketing strategy wont make you a hero, but this might.
Every company is fighting for attention using the same tools. Experiment. And deliver the change your people need."
Copyright 2022 - Mixed Reality Rooms - B2B Metaverse Marketing Course
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